these are just books i've read. if i recommend one, that doesn't equate to condoning whatever its author might do or be; it really only means i enjoyed the book's contents and nothing more. if you're curious about an author, do your own research like me!
acquired or currently reading
alain damasio
la zone du dehors
la horde du contrevent
john langan
the fisherman
rand miller, robyn miller, david wingrove
the book of atrus
tatsuki fujimoto
chainsaw man
ursula k. le guin
hainish cycle
- the left hand of darkness
already read
a.a. attanasio
albert camus
l'homme révolté
amal el-mohtar, max gladstone
this is how you lose the time war
antoine de st exupéry
le petit prince
arthur conan doyle
a study in scarlet
the sign of four
the hound of the baskervilles
the valley of fear
complete short stories of sherlock holmes
chi ta-wei
chuck palahniuk
fight club
chuck tingle
trans wizard harriet porber and the bad boy parasaurolophus
daniel keyes
flowers for algernon
david eddings
pawn of prophecy
david gemmell
dark moon
drenai series
- the king beyond the gate
dmitry glukhovsky
metro 2033
metro 2034
metro 2035
edgar allan poe
complete tales
ernest hemingway
the old man and the sea
eugène ionesco
tueur sans gages
frank herbert
the dune series
- dune
- dune messiah
- children of dune
- god emperor of dune
- heretics of dune
- chapterhouse: dune
franz kafka
the metamorphosis
the trial
fyodor dostoevsky
the idiot
gaston leroux
la poupée sanglante
george orwell
animal farm
gou tanabe
h.p. lovecraft adaptations
- the outsider
- the hound and other stories
- the color out of space
- the haunter of the dark
- at the mountains of madness
- the shadow out of time
- the call of cthulhu
- the shadow over innsmouth
- the dunwhich horror
h.g. wells
the time machine
the island of dr moreau
isaac asimov
robot series
- the caves of steel
- the naked sun
the bicentennial man and other stories
the martian way and other stories
pebble in the sky
i, robot
the rest of the robots
j.d. salinger
the catcher in the rye
j.r.r. tolkien
the hobbit
the lord of the rings
- the fellowship of the ring
- the two towers
- the return of the king
the silmarillion
jeff vandermeer
dead astronauts
john wyndham
the day of the triffids
jules verne
voyage au centre de la terre
vingt mille lieues sous les mers
autour de la lune
l'école des robinsons
junji ito
the enigma of amigara fault
katsuhiro ōtomo
ken liu
the paper menagerie and other stories
the hidden girl and other stories
kentarō miura
kim bo-young
l'odyssée des étoiles (3 short stories)
liu cixin
ball lightning
remembrance of earth's past
- the three-body problem
- the dark forest
- death's end
with her eyes (short stories collection)
time migration (short stories collection)
lucius shepard
bernacle bill the spacer
dead money
radiant green star
stars seen through stone
mark z. danielewski
house of leaves
martin winckler, aude mermilliod
le choeur des femmes
mary shelley
michael moorcock
the elric saga
neal stephenson
snow crash
neil gaiman
american gods
the graveyard book
smokes and mirrors
paolo bacigalupi
the windup girl
pat cadigan, william gibson
peter f. hamilton
fallen dragon
philip k. dick
solar lottery
the man in the high castle
dr. bloodmoney, or how we got along after the bomb
clans of the alphane moon
do androids dream of electric sheep?
a scanner darkly
the penultimate truth
time out of joint
a maze of death
the ganymede takeover
complete short stories
pierre bordage
les guerriers du silence
ray bradbury
the martian chronicles
fahrenheit 451
the illustrated man
richard matheson
i am legend
the shrinking man
hell house
bid time return
robin hobb
farseer trilogy
- assassin's apprentice
- royal assassin
- assassin's quest
liveship traders
- ship of magic
- the mad ship
- ship of destiny
tawny man trilogy
- fool's errand
- the golden fool
- fool's fate
rain wild chronicles
- the dragon keeper
- dragon haven
- city of dragons
- blood of dragons
samuel delany
stan nicholls
dreamtime trilogy
- quicksilver rising
- quicksilver zenith
- quicksilver twilight
nightshade trilogy
- book of shadows
- shadow of a sorcerer
- gathering of shadows
stanislas lem
stephen king
the shining
the long walk
the running man
pet sematary
doctor sleep
the institute
stieg larsson
millenium series
- the girl with the dragon tattoo
- the girl who played with fire
- the girl who kicked the hornet's nest
tatsuki fujimoto
look back
goodbye eri
ted chiang
stories of your life and others
exhalation: stories
terry pratchett
the colour of magic
guards! guards!
terry pratchett, neil gaiman
good omens
tsutomu nihei
vernor vinge
rainbows end
vladimir nabokov
pale fire
the luzhin defense
walter m. miller jr
a canticle for leibowitz
william gibson
sprawl trilogy
- neuromancer
- count zero
- mona lisa overdrive
blue ant books
- pattern recognition
- spook country
william golding
lord of the flies